Scout Games & Challenges

Expand each game to find rules and variations. If you've got a game or even if you just know one of these games by a different name, send us an email. We'd love to hear it.

Simple Supplied Knots All Games
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Simple Games

These games can be played at any time without any extra supplies or equipment.



Elves, Wizards, Giants

Like team rock paper scissors using your full body.


At the start of the game, each team secretly decides what they'll all be, then stands in a line facing the other team. A leader says "3,2,1, Go" and everybody jumps into their character's position (shown below). The winner then tries to catch the loser before the loser gets back to their safe zone (like a wall). Play repeats until only everybody is on one team.

  • Giants beat elves Stand on your tippy toes, raise your arms like a giant, and make a menacing growling noise: ?Rarrr!"
  • Wizards beat giants Crouch slightly, as wizards are a bit shorter. Wave your fingers as though you?re casting a magical spell, and make a magical noise: ?Shaazaam!"
  • Elves beat elves Crouch down very low, cup your hands around your ears, and make a high pitched elf noise: ?Eeeee!"

Hacky Sack

Stand around in a circle and see how long you can keep a hacky sack in the air using anything but arms and hands.


That's it. Just stand around in a circle and see how long you can keep a hacky sack in the air using anything but arms and hands.


Ninja slap

Ninja Slap is a game like Tag involving a group of people.


The object of the game is to avoid having your hand touched or slapped, thus getting eliminated, and be the last Ninja standing.

To begin the game, everyone gets in a tight circle, shoulder-to-shoulder, with their hands in the middle. On the count of three, they jump back into a "Ninja" pose.

One-by-one and continuing counter-clockwise, each person takes a turn being the attacker and tries to touch another person's hand in a single "Ninja" move. The attackee, to avoid being touched, reacts with a single Ninja move. Only the attacker and attackee may move; all others remain frozen. Whether missing, successfully hitting or avoiding, only a single Ninja move is permitted and both must stay frozen in that pose.

If a person's hand is touched, they must leave the circle. The player to the right automatically goes next and may choose to attack any other player. The person who is aimed for doesn't go next; the next person is always to the right of the person who just went. The game ends when only one person remains. Whether missing, successfully hitting or avoiding, only one Ninja move is permitted and one must stay in that pose.

The person to the right of the person who started the previous round starts the next round.


Steal the Bacon

Race to grab an object in the middle. Also called Snatch or Dog and Bone


Chair each end of the hall. Scout sitting on each chair, leader shouts GO and the two Scouts run to grab the object, positioned in the center. Once one touches the object, they are committed to grabbing it and making it back to their chair to win. If the other Scout tags them before they make it back then they are the winner instead. Some grab and run, some end up in a stand off. Some go past the object to block the other from passing. When this happens the leader can randomly shout CHANGE, which means they now have to get to the other chair and hence if they are quick they can grab and run as the other Scout will be on the wrong side to stop them.


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Supplied Games

These are games that need some kind of supplies or equipement to be able to play


Box Hockey


Box hockey game

Bucket Tug-o-War

Tug-o-war standing on a bucket with a rope


2 scouts. Each scout stands on a bucket about 10 feet apart holding the end of a long rope (one that can run through your hand without burning). On go, each tries to get the other to either let go of the rope or getting them to fall off the bucket.


You can play without the buckets by simply having the boys stand on one foot. If the other foot touches the ground, they're out! It's just harder to judge.


2 Buckets, 1 rope

Paper football



Tic Tac Toe Race


Masking tape and bean bags
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Bowline sheetbend draw

Race to tie a bowline and sheetbend you trust


Put scouts in teams of 2. Have all the boys stand holding the end of a short rope in one hand. On go, each boy ties a bowline around their waist and then ties their rope to their partner's with a sheet bend. When the knot's tied, they lean back, trusting their knots. First group done wins.


1 rope per scout

Team knot tying race

Race to tie X number of knots as a team


Split scouts into teams. Tell them what knots they need to tie as a team. The first team to complete all the knots wins.


1 rope per scout

Top Knot

Quick tournament to see who is the best knot-tyer


Have all the boys stand holding the end of a short rope in one hand. Call out the name of a knot. Each scout ties the knot and throws down their rope. The first X number get to move on to the next round (tell them how many each round). Repeat with a different knot until there is only one scout left.


1 rope per scout